Infonortics Virtual Communities Conference

The Eighth International Infonortics Forum on Virtual Communities

9-10 November 2005

Offers of presentations at this conference are now being invited. We can only accommodate a maximum of 18 full presentations during this two-day programme, so we shall need to be selective.

This year, there will be a limited space for those wishing to describe interesting new products; these 15 minute speaking slots within the main conference will be clearly labelled as "new product announcements".

This conference is an opportunity for attendees and speakers to share best practices. With a focus on various species of virtual communities, we plan presentations or panels on:

Social Software and Social Networks
Collaboration Tools: Helping Communities Work Together
Communities of Practice
Communities of Users
Geographic / local area Communities
Case studies of Successful Communities
Core tools and technologies
Communities as pressure groups / Flash communities

Those with appropriate expertise who are interested in taking part in the programme should contact the conference’s programme management panel via Harry Collier of Infonortics. We shall require an outline of your proposed presentation, an informative title for your presentation, and brief biographical details. At this international meeting, we regret that we cannot normally contribute towards travel or subsistence expenses for speakers. All speakers are, however, given one complimentary conference registration per presentation. Because speaking or panel slots are limited in number, you are advised to get your detailed propositions in as soon as possible to avoid disappointment.

Deadline for paper offers: Monday 30 April 2005.

One Comment

  1. Why hosts and moderators aren’t the same

    Robin Hamman explains the different roles of hosts (welcoming, introducing, explaining) and moderators (policing) in online communities. The forthcoming Infonortics conference may be a good to chance to see how online facilitation experts translate…

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