teens creating rather than just browsing

A new study from the Pew American and Internet Life Project suggests that teenagers are more interested in using the internet to create and share content rather than to just passively browse it. In fact, nearly half of all teenagers, and 57% of those who used the internet, could be considered “content creators”.

What the media is going to say is surprising, although I can’t figure out exactly why these things should contine to surprise us, is that girls seem to be leading the way:

-> Nearly 40% of girls, and 30% of boys, said they used the internet to share photos, videos, ideas and writing.

-> 25% of girls aged 15-17, compared with 15% of boys of the same age, are bloggers

Amanda Lenhart, co-author of the report, is quoted by BBC News Online as saying that, “For American teens, blogs are about self-expression, building relationships, and carving out a presence online”.

As great as I think it is that teenagers seem to be figuring out what’s really great about the internet, the ability to create, distribute, and commune, I’m just a little bit relieved that I managed to go through adolescence without google watching.

[See also: BBC Have Your Say debate on ripping, mashing and creating ]

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