conf: AoIR 7.0 – Internet Convergences (Brisbane, Sept ’06)

International and Interdisciplinary Conference of the Association of Internet Researchers

Brisbane, Australia: 28-30 September 2006
Proposals by: 07 February 2006 (see conference website)

The Internet works as an arena of convergence. Physically dispersed and marginalized people (re)find themselves online for the sake of sustaining and extending community. International and interdisciplinary teams now collaborate in new ways. Diverse cultures engage one another via CMC. These technologies relocate and refocus capital, labor and immigration, and they open up new possibilities for political, potentially democratizing, forms of discourse. Moreover, these technologies themselves converge in multiple ways, e.g. in Internet-enabled mobile phones, in Internet-based telephony, and in computers themselves as “digital appliances” that conjoin communication and multiple media forms. These technologies also facilitate fragmentations with greater disparities between the information-haves and have-nots, between winners and losers in the shifting labor and capital markets, and between individuals and communities. Additionally these technologies facilitate information filter!
ing that reinforces, rather than dialogically challenges, narrow and extreme views.


Our conference theme invites papers and presentations based on empirical research, theoretical analysis and everything in between that explore the multiple ways the Internet acts in both converging and fragmenting ways – physical, cultural, technological, political, social – on local, regional, and global scales.

Without limiting possible proposals, topics of interest include:

– Theoretical and practical models of the Internet
– Internet convergence, divergence and fragmentation
– Networked flows of information, capital, labor, etc.
– Migrations and diasporas online
– Identity, community and global communication
– Regulation and control (national and global)
– Internet-based development and other economic issues
– Digital art and aesthetics
– Games and gaming on the Internet
– The Net generation
– E-Sectors, e.g. e-health, e-education, e-business

Association Website:
Conference Website:

Some other conferences are listed here on with a more extensive listing on the cybersociology announcement list

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