Gillmor on the shifting role of journalists

In the most recent installment of his series of articles for BBC News Online, Dan Gillmor suggests that journalists play a part in the education of citizen journalists:

"Professional journalists should also be helping citizen journalists, with education and training. Most people don’t care to be journalists, but many of us can and will occasionally commit an act of journalism, and it would be useful for people to understand some of the principles that have served the professionals, and their audiences, so well for so long."

He also suggests that:

"Local publishers and broadcasters should be aiming to help their communities engage in that conversation, via blogs, podcasts, discussion boards and all of the other conversational tools."

Why duplicate efforts? If that content already exists, local publishers and broadcasters don’t need to own the platform or the content – they can simply tell those existing content producers what they’re looking for, explain their editorial policies and guidelines, and then point their audience to the best bits. That would be even more of a "win win situation" than the one Gillmor alludes to in the article.