citizen media, brought to you by technorati (and blogburst…)

Technorati has announced a new partnership with the Associated Press which they say will “connect bloggers to more than 440 newspapers nationwide” in America.

“The new service will bring blogger commentary about AP news stories to communities large and small throughout the USA, giving bloggers a voice in trusted local papers throughout the nation.”

Apparently there have been some other, similar moves by various other citizen media middlemen to strike up deals with mainstream media partners.

Likewise, blogburst has been signing up new partners and Scoopt is up to something (spot the “click here for citizen journalism” button on their homepage). Let’s not forget the Reuters announced just after wemedia that they were planning to cozy up with the excellent Global Voices.

So is this a cunning method for mainstream media companies to stay at the top of the google search results (links count – so including bloggers in a page means they’ll probably link back) or has mainstream media finally realised that blogs aren’t all necessarily photo diaries about cute kittens?


  1. New in Technorati and the Blogosphere

    Technorati has announced a new partnership with the Associated Press which they say will “connect bloggers to more than 440 newspapers nationwide” in America. [via Robin Hamman] “The new service will bring blogger commentary about AP news stories to co…

  2. In Technorati/AP case thought the blogger has to link to the story first, then the AP box actually links back to Technorati search results page, not the blogger linking. Also, it is not clear to me if links deposited by javascript, which this could be, are counted in search indexing. Just a few thoughts. Good discussion here, glad to find it via search feed for inbound links.

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