1. We got to get into a conversation about CJ v eye-witness.
    There is a lot of simple disussion to be had about people eho see and people who report.
    Brien Friel (Irish Playwright) thinks there are seven sides to every story. I think we (us BBC types who have an iterest in this) really need a discussion about Eyewitness,storytelling, reporting , and journalism)
    Just ’cause I take a photo or tell you whatI saw – that’s not the truth of the event – only my interpretation of the event. The Radio 4 project on Memory has bee really interesting on memory/reportage – althoug they haven’t raised that.
    it’s an important off line conversation
    You lead it — I’ll follow.
    It could be the most important conversation the BBC can have during the changing times we are experencing.

  2. “Networked journalism” (Jeff Jarvis’ latest phrase) is a better description than “Citizen Journalism”.

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