hitwise top ten UK blogs

Hitwise has published it’s list of the top "Lifestyle – Blogs and Personal Websites" as based on the percentage of UK marketshare. There are two charts, one showing the top ten in the category overall and the top ten personal blogs, where there are some surprises.

The stats don’t include those viewing sites through RSS readers who don’t click through to the main piece of content. It’s also a bit odd that whilst hitwise includes both blogger and livejournal in the class, they don’t include typepad or wordpress – why not, they’re all similar in that they’re publishing platforms.

The results? Well, no point in me rewriting the post here but I will tell you that the BBC Blogs are in at #10 though, ahead of the Guardian.


  1. Hitwise publishes Top 10 UK blogs

    Blog analysts, Hitwise, has published a top 10 list of UK lifesyle blogs. The top slot is held by a site called Fugufish which I have never heard of. Hitwise suggests the sitebecame famous after it hosted some very popular

  2. Right wing bloggers feature in list of top 10 UK lifestyle blogs

    Blog analyst, Hitwise, has published a top 10 list of UK lifesyle blogs. The top slot is held by a site called Fugufish which I have never heard of but apparently became famous after it hosted some very popular videos.

  3. Robin,
    Thanks for picking up on the post. Just to answer your question – the reason that WordPress and Livejournal aren’t included in the rankings I posted is that they aren’t in the top 10.
    Wordpress ranked #74 in the category last week. Keep in mind that whilst it’s a popular blog writing software, it is not necessarily a popular website. We are reporting site visits, not the software used to create the posts. Hope that clarifies.
    Thanks for reading.

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