cybersociology magazine – move complete

Cybersociology_screenshotblog Cybersociology Magazine was launched on 10 October 1997 as a forum for the cross-disciplinary academic discussion of life online. It ran for approximately two years, until 01 September 1999, and seven web based issues were published:

Issue 1: Cybersex and Cyber-Romance
Issue 2: Virtual Communities
Issue 3: Digital Third Worlds
Issue 4: Open Topic
Issue 5: Grassroots Political Activism Online (co-edited with Micz Flor)
Issue 6: Research Methodology Online
Issue 7: Religion Online / Techno-Spiritualism (co-edited with Michel Bauwens)

I’ve now moved all the content from it’s original home to a typepad based blog. Please do take a minute to check it out if you haven’t already – it’s 8-10 years old, but a lot of it’s still relevant today.