moving cybersociology magazine

I’m about halfway through the process of moving Cybersociology Magazine, the loosely peer reviewed online journal I ran from 1997-1997, before there really was such a thing as a peer reviewed online journal, from my old Demon Internet webspace to typepad. I used to pay for the hosting with google ads but, as regular readers will know, I inexplicably was kicked out of google ads not long ago and it’s now difficult to justify £120 ($220) in annual hosting charges for old content that can quite easily moved elsewhere.

Sadly, I’ve lost contact with most of the contributors as well as a very small number of articles, but most of the content is still intact and available.

Have a look…although please don’t post blog links yet – I’ll be porting over soon. All that said, if there is an academic or non-profit out there that would like to take on cybersociology, I’d be delighted to hear from you. No need for money to exchange hands – I’d just like to see it brought back to life.