tom’s list: a lot of bbc 2.0 is about sharing

Tom Loosemoore, who is heading up the BBC 2.0 project, a project to rethink, modernise and – hopefully – futureproof the BBC’s online offerings, has posted a list of the BBC’s 15 Web Principles.

I was involved in (a minute amount) of the early BBC 2.0 work and have seen lots of different internal presentations about what they’ve been doing since, but this is the first time I’ve seen Tom’s list and I’m happy to discover lots of stuff about sharing, linking, the BBC actually stepping out to other places online, etc. In particular, readers of cybersoc – who I assume hold these ideals closer to their hearts then most – will be interested in the following items on the list:

3. Do not attempt to do everything yourselves: link to other high-quality sites instead. Your users will thank you. Use other people’s content and tools to enhance your site, and vice versa.

5. Treat the entire web as a creative canvas: don’t restrict your creativity to your own site.

6. The web is a conversation. Join in: Adopt a relaxed, conversational tone. Admit your mistakes.

8. Make sure all your content can be linked to, forever.

10. Maximise routes to content: Develop as many aggregations of content about people, places, topics, channels, networks & time as possible. Optimise your site to rank high in Google.

13. Let people paste your content on the walls of their virtual homes: Encourage users to take nuggets of content away with them, with links back to your site

14. Link to discussions on the web, don’t host them: Only host web-based discussions where there is a clear rationale


  1. But… am I right in thinkin this is just a bunch of suggestions? There’s no way of knowing yet that any of this (great stuff) will make it into the BBC online. Or did I miss sommit?

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