tag it with b4b2007

Last week at the European Broadcasting Union’s Multimedia Meets Radio conference in Geneva I met Guillaume du Gardier, Director Online Communications Europe at Edelman (see Edelman’s blogging brief). He’s giving a presentation at the end of Blogging4Business and offered me a free ticket – thanks Guillaume.

It turns out there are lots of people I know or am acquainted with speaking – Tamara Littleton from eModeration.com , Lee Bryant from Headshift, Olivier Creiche of Six Apart Europe, Euan Semple (ex-BBC, now a consultant) and Ian Delany from New Media Knowledge (who recently wrote a review of an article about whether corporations should blog) and probably a few of the others.

I will be live blogging and twittering and bookmarking and flickring and perhaps even youtubing

If you’re doing the same, why not tag it (what?) with b4b2007 so we can get that back channel going.

The official conference blog, authored by Robert Andrews, is here.

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