what do you want to know about the bbc blogs?

BbcblogsnetworkLast November I wrote a post in response to the question "what’s the point of tv and radio blogs?" – a question which, I think, is fundamental for understanding why the BBC has been getting into blogging and how we’re measuring the success of those efforts.

This week I’m writing an update to that post about the BBC Blogs Network for the new BBC Internet Editors Blog. My current outline looks like this:

  • background information about the bbc’s blogs
  • some general usage statistics
  • things we measure and our success criteria
  • an outline of technical challenges we’ve been faced with
  • what I’d like to see us doing more of in the coming year

What else do you want to know about the BBC’s Blogs?

One Comment

  1. What is the editorial process behind BBC blogs?
    Is the editorial process different to other articles?
    How much editing goes on?
    Do bloggers have quotas or limits?

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